
“…the most dramatic of his series of paintings entitled ‘Force’ was inspired by a cyclonic storm that he witnessed while standing at a window. In these paintings all his pent-up nervous energy is channelled into images that swirl and crash and leap with colour and savage brush strokes, that like a samurai’s sword, seem to cleave the line between image and reality.” Geeta Doctor in One Artist Two Lives    

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“Vibrancy and Energy are ubiquitous, truly reflecting his personality with his visual phraseology constituting simplicity of expression fused with a forceful impact.”

The Hindu, 2003

Other works

“Thota Tharrani’s paintings range from serene landscapes to swirling, stormy abstracts. The restless movement of his paintings are a contrast to the meticulous perspective water colours he draws for his award-winning film sets.”

Geeta Doctor in “One Artist, Two Lives”

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