
More from this series

“Tharrani’s phenomenal memory registers every candid shot of life’s visual experiences and drawn upon his compendium of empirical stock to aid him in his conceptualization both for film sets and his artistic creations.

Nevertheless Tharrani when he wears the painter’s hat comes into his own describing the act of painting as insistently devotional and a compulsion. He says, “I must do a drawing or even scribble a line before retiring for the day.”

Dr Ashrafi.S.Bhagat, The Hindu, 2005

Other works

He usually works with ink and paper, but has experimented with calligraphy as a form of creative expression also. Tharrani says, “Alphabets of all languages are beautiful. Expressing each letter especially ‘Tota’ meaning garden, was with what I began the ‘Script Series.’ It came to life like the creeper growing in a garden, each letter intertwining.”

Saffronart, 2003

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